Meet Lisa, one of our Training Operations Managers at Central Office!

Which hotel or team do you work in? How long have you been with Atlas?

I work as a Training Operations Manager and I have been with Atlas for 4 years.

What’s an interesting fact about yourself?

I do not eat chocolate!

What was your first-ever job?

I was a dishwasher at a family leisure park when I was 13

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

Everything happens for a reason.

What is your top-tier snack?

A pink lady apple.

In your opinion, what’s the best thing about working for Atlas and why?

The benefits that we get – so many of them and when I talk about them with my friends they are always jealous. 

Who has been your biggest influence?

My dad – he taught me a strong work ethic and to be kind to people.

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