Introducing Ilaria, the Hotel Operations Manager behind our Leeds hotel! An inspiration to her team, always ready for a challenge! Ilaria’s team describe her as curious and competitive.

Which hotel or team do you work in? How long have you been with Atlas?

I’m the Hotel Operations Manager for Holiday Inn Express Leeds and I have been with Atlas for 9 years!

What’s an interesting fact about yourself?

I am Italian and I am allergic to onions, tomatoes, peppers, mushrooms.. and lots more! (luckily not chocolates!)

What was your first-ever job?

I worked in a bakery and used to decorate cakes and pastries

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

Always find the purpose of things and act upon it.

What is your top-tier snack?

It has to be any Kinder chocolate!

In your opinion, what’s the best thing about working for Atlas and why?

The culture and the people! Every single person that I work with teaches me something every day and they help me grow as a person.

Who has been your biggest influence?

Cheesy, but 100% my dad. Growing up, my father taught me many valuable lessons, specifically: to be kind to everyone and to never give up.

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