Tell us a bit about yourself and your position.

I try to get a lot of people to stay at our hotels as I’m a Groups & Meetings Coordinator.

What was your first-ever job?

I was a receptionist.

Tell us an interesting fact about yourself

I voiced a few adverts for a local radio station many years ago.

What’s the best piece of advice you’d give a younger version of yourself?

Don’t settle in a job, being challenged in a role allows for growth both personally and professionally.

What is your top-tier snack?


What are you most looking forward to in your career?

Building, coaching, and leading a team and sharing my passion for customer service with others.

Who has been your biggest influence and why?

I don’t really have one main influence really. There are certain people I’ve crossed paths with previously in my professional life that have definitely helped influence me in their own way, but none more so than the others.

If you could live in any country, where would you choose?

I would have to say the Republic of Ireland. When I’ve been it captured my heart and I felt so at peace there, plus I love how the locals pronounce my name.

What’s one thing you did recently you are proud of?

Successfully (I think!) jumped from a customer service role into Groups & Meetings at Atlas.

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