Meet Ben, a Team Leader at our Swansea hotel. Working in the hospitality industry since leaving school, he brings a wealth of knowledge to our team.

Which hotel or team do you work in? How long have you been with Atlas?

I’m a Team Leader at Holiday Inn Express Swansea. I have been here for 2 years.

What’s an interesting fact about yourself?

I was a drag queen in Spain back in the day!

What was your first-ever job?

I worked in Toys R Us.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

Treat people as you wish to be treated yourself.

What is your top-tier snack?

Ham Salad Baguette (not plastic ham).

In your opinion, what’s the best thing about working for Atlas and why?

Meeting people and feeling that you work for a company that cares for their employees.

Who has been your biggest influence?

Queen Elizabeth II.

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