Meet Andrew, Hotel Operations Manager at our Newcastle City Centre hotel. Approaching his 15 year anniversary – we caught up with him to ask a few questions.

Tell us a bit about yourself and your position?

I swore in my teens I would never work in a hotel because I didn’t think it was for me, look at me now… I started as a Guest Service Assistant at Newcastle City Centre, progressed to Reservations Manager, to Deputy General Manager of Newcastle Metro, and I am currently the HOM of Newcastle City Centre. I’m also covering at our brand new hotel in Birmingham Snowhill.

How long have you worked with Atlas?

Just under 15 years, I will be celebrating this on the 09th of March.

What was your first ever job?

I was a store supervisor at a discount store called store 24 when I was 16, and I loved it!

Name one TV show or film you refuse to watch?

Not a show or film, but I can’t watch anything featuring Will Farrell.

Choose a highlight of working at Atlas so far?

Jeez, where do I start… I’ve had many, but I think representing (then Somerston) as a Games Maker at the London 2021 Olympics and gaining an IHG Managing Directors Special Recognition Award was not only a highlight of my career but of my life! I met and made friends with so many people from around the world who I still speak with to this day. I look back at this time with a massive smile of pride and joy.

If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Just one? In that case, it would have to be some sort of buffet, it’s quantity over quality for me.

What motivates you?

I get motivated knowing I can pass on all the knowledge and experience I’ve gained from working in many of our hotels and with lots of different members of the team. That, and working with so many like-minded colleagues who share all the same values and love their job as much as I do.

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