A partnership with purpose

Atlas Hotels is proud to announce a new partnership with two leading mental health charities, Mind and  SAMH (Scottish Action for Mental Health). This collaboration is a significant step in our ongoing commitment to supporting mental health and well-being within our organisation.

Mental health has never been more important, and at Atlas Hotels, we recognise the critical role we can play in supporting those who are struggling. By partnering with Mind and SAMH, we’re joining forces with two of the UK’s most respected mental health organisations, each with a long history of providing crucial services, resources and advocacy.

Mind operates across England and Wales, offering advice, support and resources to anyone experiencing a mental health problem. Their work has touched millions of lives, from direct support services to pioneering campaigns aimed at reducing stigma and raising awareness.

SAMH, Scottish Action for Mental Health, has been dedicated to mental health and well-being in Scotland since 1923. SAMH works with adults and young people providing mental health social care support, tackling suicide prevention and campaigning to influence policy changes.

Supporting Mental Health Together

Over the past few years, Atlas has placed significant importance on mental health and wellbeing for its employees, training Mental Health first aiders and implementing Reelyze, an app for employees to get immediate support. Each employee also has access to HSF Assist for counselling, virtual doctor, GP and legal advice. The new partnership aligns perfectly with our well-being strategy.

Atlas Hotels aims to raise £100,000 during the two-year partnership through a series of fundraising initiatives, awareness campaigns and staff engagement programmes. A charity committee of central support and hotel colleagues is championing this. Funds raised in Scotland will go to SAMH and money raised in England and Wales will go to Mind.

“We are incredibly proud to partner with Mind and SAMH, two organisations that are making a real difference in the lives of so many people. Mental health is a cause close to our hearts, and this partnership reflects our dedication to creating a supportive environment for our employees, guests and the wider community. Together, we can make a meaningful impact and help break down the stigma surrounding mental health.” Mark Sergeant, Operations Director 

Visit our JustGiving page here.

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